August 22, 2008


There are education and reading books in laboratory that necesasry students. Library have been using computer system that be completted with computer tagalog and finger scan system. Teacher and student can go to library every day.

Laboratory of language
Laboratory of language be completed multimedia equipment there fore can make possible students to good study.

Laboratory of Computer and Multimedia
Laboratory of computer and multimedia be completed with internet and wifi that can make possible internet can be acces in school area. Students can acces internet every time in school whitout pay.

Laboratory of Science
There are some equipment of science in laboratory that can posible students for good practic.

Guidance of Conselling and Psychology
Guidance of conselling and psychology try so that students know and accept environment positively and dinamicly. Guidance of conselling and psychology try so that students can to take decision, to lead and to realize thier self efectively and productively as acording to the aim in the future. That effort consist of social self guidance, study, career,and psychology

SMPN 1 Banjarnegara have a filed that can be used students for ceremony and sports like bascet, bolley, badminton, pingpong, atlethich, ceremony, etc.

Mosleem big family of SMPN 1 Banjarnegara can pray in the masque of school. Students so can study Islam in masque.

School Health Room
The aim of school health room is give good service to student who sick, give calm feeling to student parents if their child sick and to prevent disease infection.

Hall is very large and representative there fore can make posible to use some activity like student parent meeting, art stage, and else emportant activity.

Study Room of International Standarized School
There some equipment for suport study that be absed ICT(LCD projector, laptop, TV, CD/DVD/tape player) and AC.

Study Room of Reguller School
There TV that can make posible to watch education TV program and as comfort tool momoent rest.

School Profile

School Profile

To increas the capability of human resources, SMPN 1 Banjarnegara develops some models of teaching and learning activities that be shown by the proof, such as the preparation of the good facilities and high motivation of the big family of SMPN 1 Banjarnegara. Since the academic year of 2004/2005, SMPN 1 Banjarnegara has become National Standardized School and has resulted the outcome of the students that get good achievement in regency, province, and national level in which the achievement is on academic and non academic part. Morever, SMPN 1 Banjarnegara always develops continuously to get the better achievement and reputation. Since academic year of 2008/2009, SMPN 1 Banjarnegara will have become the pioneer of International Standardized School in Banjarnegara.
To rich the visi of SMPN 1 Banjarnegara above, we have an idea to cooperate with Aichi University of Japan in form the exchanging of students and teachers, etc. Beside SMPN 1 Banjarnegara develops Indonesian original culture, like gendingan (traditional music ) and traditional dances, we also hope that on the cooperation we will be able to study about Japanese and Japanese culture, too.
To give a description about SMPN 1 Banjarnegara, we show the profile of SMPN 1 Banjarnegara below.
For increase ability of human resource and education, SMPN 1 Banjarnegara develop the some model of learning that be efforded some equipment and high motivation of big family of SMPN 1 Banjarnegara. Since academic year of 2004/2005, SMPN 1 Banjarnegara become National Standardized School and had resulted students that get good achievement in regency, province, and national level. That achievement in academic and non academic part. That achievement did not make SMPN 1 Banjarnegara soundly sleep, but it can increase motivation to develop SMPN 1 Banjarnegara in the future. Since academic year of 2008/2009, SMPN 1 Banjarnegara had become International Standardized School Candidate.

For effort rich above direction to born idea to cooperate with Aichi University of Japan in form exchanging of students and teachers, etc. Beside SMPN 1 Banjarnegara develops Indonesian original culture, like gendingan (music traditional) and traditional dance, we so hope with that cooperation we will can study about Japan language and Japan culture, etc.
For description SMPN 1 Banjarnegara, bellow is profile of SMPN 1 Banjarnegara.

01. Name : SMP Negeri 1 Banjarnegara
02. Adress : Jl. Dipayuda No. 9 Banjarnegara
Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
03. Phone : 0286 591055
04. E-mail :
05. Web site :
06. School Number : 2 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 0 1
07. Acredation : A
08. Boulding Year : 1946
09. Operational Assignment : 1951
10. Area :
a. Status : certificate
b. wide : 4.660 m2, processing development area.
11. Building Status : Government
12. Wide Building : 2.025,25 m2

Data of Students

The Presentage of Students Graduation



"Hing in intellectual intelligence, Stable in Spiritual-Emotional Intelligence with vision of international".

School Point of View Indicators:
A. Getting the school accreditation by the National School Accreditation Institution with “A” value and “B” value minimally by ISO 9001.
B. Getting the development of Education Unit Level Curriculum national standardized for the international level.
C. Getting standard graduate competence for the international level.
D. Getting study and learning activities based on ICT for the international level.
E. Getting evaluation system national standardized for the international level.
F. Getting the teachers and school administrators wh0 have good competences in their skills and knowlegde, and qualification to manage the international standardized school.
G. Getting the international standardized facilities for eduation.
H. Getting the appropriate school financing fulfillment for the school cost of international standardized school.
I. Getting the school management for the international standardized school.
J. Getting the school environment development form that clean, healthy,cultured and religious.

A. To get the school accreditation by the National School Accreditation Institution with “A” value and “B” value minimally by ISO 9001.
B. To get the development of Education Unit Level Curriculum national standardized for the international level.
C. To get standard graduate competence for the international level.
D. To get study and learning activities based on ICT for the international level.
E. To get evaluation system national standardized for the international level.
F. To get the teachers and school administrators wh0 have good competences in their skills and knowlegde, and qualification to manage the international standardized school.
G. To get the international standardized facilities for eduation.
H. To get the appropriate school financing fulfillment for the school cost of international standardized school.
I. To get the school management for the international standardized school.
J. To get the school environment development form that clean, healthy,cultured and religious.